Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Path, The Struggle, The Glory

The Path

Growing up in a single parent home in the city of Philly. Olney section for those familar with the city. At the age of 5 I was friends with hustlers at the age of 8 my cousin thought me how to graffiti and at 12 I was smoking weed. I've seen a lot growing up I took at lot of unto my self and become angry at the world. Feeling frustrated and alone I used to turn to drugs to release my stress. The Drugs affected many of my talents while in my teenage years I never memorized any of my rhymes or felt like drawing or painting. Through some miracle amongst drugs , guns, and all that mess I witnessed my Uncle's conversion to Jesus Christ's Gospel and how it changed him from a drug addict to a new man in Christ. I said to myself man there must be something to this church thing. I asked where should I start and he said to begin with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

So I began reading the first four books of the New Testament. Little lost sheep I was but I read and I prayed. It took 7 years to truly find Christ. During this period I visited many churches I read many things and discussed an infinite amount of subjects with people of all races, creeds, and faiths. Still there was a hole in my soul that even the drugs could not fill. Then I met my wife and she introduced me to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). What they had to say felt familiar and after some soul searching and prayer I opened up to the missionaries and became teachable. The Christ they preached of was the Christ I became so familiar with by reading the New Testament. Six weeks later I was baptized into the church.

The Struggle.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also known as Mormons but we prefer the nickname LDS short for Latter Day Saints has more members outside of the U.S. than inside the U.S. Yet the misconception in America is that it is a white church. So here begins the struggle I joined this church to find myself in Christ and somehow lost myself in Religious rituals. I became ashamed of my past and looked down on my talents and tried at first to conform to an image that was created from my very own prejudice. The Last three years of my life I've decided I was not going to conform anymore but I was going to take it to GOD and inquire of him concerning what kind of man he wanted me to be and also what was to become of my talents with music and art.

Through much Prayer and inspiration I decided to move to Phoenix to pursue my passion in music. It hasn't been easy but it has been worth it. I don't have all the answers right now neither will I have them in this life, yet I know I'm on the right path. I constantly pray and seek his guidance and I receive the same answers. Now I'm painting and making music full time and also taking care of my kids full time because my wife goes to school and works part-time. The greatest part of my struggle currently has been balancing everything I have going on and adjusting to my new responsibilities. I have a very understanding wife she was willing to follow me to Florida and now to Arizona. She is one of main supporters even when my hiphop is to boom bap for her and my paintings are too busy for her to make sense of it what can I say she is a plain women that like simple things and pop music. Yet she supports me and helps me stay close to Christ in my walk.

The Glory

The album I'm working on is called "The Return Home" and that is because that is how I found myself. The title has two meanings first returning home in the sense my hometown and my upbringing no matter how much I like it or hate it I grew up in the hood. The second meaning which to me the return home describes life in Christ once you become a believer the rest of your life is a journey to return home to heaven. As soon as I embraced the good, the bad, and the ugly of Philly and learned to Love it I felt as an artist I became more well rounded. I can relate with everyone in the world on some level but people who grow up in the hood, gutter, ghetto etc.... not only can I relate with them but I know what they are going through I been there. I'm them and they are me.

I believe all this happen to me to bring Ultimate Glory to Christ so I can reach a certain people that others may not be able to speak a word to. So if I offend any one with my words or actions if it being my fault I apologize for my shortcomings due to me being human. On the other hand if you enjoy my words, my music, my paintings understand that the ultimate author and creator is GOD for he gives me the strength, inspiration, and talent to achieve all the things I do. So if your listening to my music and enjoying my paintings I appreciate the Love. I'm just glad that the Savior has chosen me as vessel and an instrument to do his work AMEN

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